

Financial Tracking

Case Manager can help you keep track of case finances - financial events can trigger workflow actions.

Keep track of and report on financial transactions across all plaintiffs and books.

Manage case finances

Capture capital, interest, costs and payment transactions.

Empower customers with clarity

Customizable, easy-to-understand statements tailored to the needs of your customers.

Gain financial insight at a glance

Create powerful reports to monitor your finances with ease.

Streamline payment allocation

Easily split payments between capital, cost, and interest.

Effortlessly generate payover reports

Create powerful distribution reports for precise stakeholder payment distributions.

Automate interest calculation

Accelerate case finances with automated interest calculation.

Plaintiff Interest Settings

Custom interest settings per plaintiff.

Automatically balance user workloads

User workloads can automatically be balanced out during assignment based on volume of accounts or overall balance of accounts.

Monitor and enhance time spent by individual agents.

The time server meticulously measures and reports agent time worked per case and on non-case work.

Quickly create campaign queues

System administrators and supervisors can easily drive activity through queues and campaigns.

Reach out to us if you have questions...